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Prospective College Athletes

Prospective College Athletes: Eligibility is Your Responsibility

  1. If you are interested in playing college athletics, be sure to visit with your coach, as well as Mr. Garrison (NKCHS Activities Director).
  2. Register on NCAA Eligibility Center (see below)
  3. See Mrs. Deleve in the Student Support Center, to have your high school transcripts sent to NCAA.
  4. Request from that your ACT Scores are sent to NCAA. There is a fee, and you will need to use the NCAA ACT CODE: 9999

NCAA Eligibility

Students planning to be a student athlete at the Division I or II level must register with the NCAA Clearinghouse. Register online at

NCAA Eligibility Center Quick Reference Guide (PDF)

NCAA quick reference guide

NAIA Eligibility

If you are interested in athletics at a NAIA School, visit their website at

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