International Baccalaureate
International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme
The prestigious IB Diploma Programme is recognized as one of the most challenging college-preparatory curricula available and is offered in more than 2,460 schools in 146 countries. Only 942 schools in the United States, of which 14 are in Missouri, offer the IB Diploma Programme.
North Kansas City Schools has the only International Baccalaureate Programme in the Northland. Two different International Baccalaureate Programs are offered to high school students across the district:
- International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP)
- International Baccalaureate Career-related Program (IBCP)
Students taking IB courses and exams are assured that their courses of study conform to world standards, in addition to state and local standards. Students in the programs should be academically able and motivated, willing to work for this diploma of distinction and willing to learn and practice time management and study skills.
Those interested in learning more about the IB Diploma Programme, should contact Mitsi Nessa, coordinator of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, by calling (816) 321-5805 or read the International Baccalaureate Diploma guide.
IB Students participate in a collaborative research project at Line Creek.
IB Students are putting their language and literature skills to the test.
The Career-related Programme offers several fields of study, including journalism!
International Baccalaureate Career-related Programme
North Kansas City Schools is pleased to offer the International Baccalaureate Career-related Programme (IBCP). The IBCP is an addition to the district’s established International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP). The IBCP is designed to merge academic and career-related courses and to prepare students for work in the 21st century. It offers an academic qualification designed to support schools and colleges that offer career-related courses to their students. North Kansas City is currently offering career studies in engineering, biomedical science (Project Lead The Way), computer science (Project Lead The Way), culinary arts (ProStart), journalism, and teaching.
The IBCP provides students the basis for effective collaboration in the workplace, additional training in a career-related field, as well as improved mobility and flexibility in one’s employment. It encourages access to an IB education, skills development, self-reflection, and self-esteem through meaningful academic and career achievements.
Those interested in learning more about the IB Career-related Certificate, should contact Martha DeVries, Ph.D., IBCP Coordinator at, (816) 321-6584 or by reading the International Baccalaureate Diploma guide.
Located at:
North Kansas City High School
620 E. 23rd Avenue
North Kansas City, MO 64116
IB Guide 2024-2025 (PDF)
IB Diploma Program 4-Year Plan
IB Career-related Program 4-Year Plan
IB Agreement of Understanding - Juniors and Seniors
Enrollment for the IB Programs for the 2025-26 school year is now open. Please complete both of the forms below. Enrollment will close April 1.
- Transfer Request - This form allows us to transfer you from your attendance area school to NKCHS for IB. (This is not necessary for Northgate students.)
- Statement of Intent - This form, required by all students, outlines the expectations of an IB student.
If you know of an 8th grade student who is interested in transferring to NKCHS to pursue an IB Diploma, please encourage them to sign up for a shadow experience. These are open to 8th grade students who attend Antioch MS, Maple Park MS, New Mark MS, or any of our local private schools.
8th Grade IB Shadow Days
IB Newsletters
For current ib families
11th Grade Parent Meeting (September 10, 2024)
Hear From Our Students
For Prospective Students & Families
Are you a student or parent of a student interested in IB? Check out the recorded meetings below to learn more about the official IB Programme.
10th Grade IB Parent Meeting (May 2, 2023)
8th Grade IB Informational Meeting (February 12, 2024)
8th Grade Family Presentation
Contact Information
Mitsi Nessa
IB Diploma Programme Coordinator
(816) 321-5805
Dr. Martha DeVries
IB Career-related Programme Coordinator
(816) 321-6584
Cymantha Beason
IB Administrative Assistant
(816) 321-6179